How I Managed My Menopause Weight as Soon as I Stopped Dieting

Special editorial by Joanna Sullivan, Senior Editor

I finally started losing weight when I stopped dieting.

Turns out my metabolism wasn’t as slow as I thought. The problem was a buildup of toxins that I had to get rid of.

I will tell you all about it in a minute, but first…

Here’s why I never succeeded with diets:

  • They are a short-term solution. I would lose a few pounds that were mostly water and then gain even more back when the diet period ended.

  • They are restrictive. In most cases, I had to eliminate something I liked (pasta, red meat, even some fruits).

  • Diets create a hormone imbalance, often leaving us sick or tired. It’s really unhealthy, ESPECIALLY if you are perimenopausal or menopausal.

So after years of yo-yo dieting, I finally found a solution that worked for me.

My name is Becky, and here’s my story.

Menopause (and Weight Gain) Hit Me Like a Brick When I Turned 47

I have never been one of the naturally skinny people, but I always stayed active by walking everywhere, riding my bike, and hiking on the weekends.

So I never restricted myself from the foods I love, and I was happy with the way I looked.

But everything turned upside down when I hit menopause.

I didn’t change anything I ate, but suddenly, all the weight started piling up.

I gained 30 pounds in 7 months.

My husband, who is a sports coach, jokingly said that maybe it’s time he starts training me.

He didn’t mean any harm, but I felt hurt. For the first time since we met 25 years ago, I felt unattractive in the eyes of my husband.

And it wasn’t just the weight gain. I was moody, tired, and almost every night covered in cold sweat.

I was desperate to go back to the way I was, for my own sake and for my marriage.

That’s When All the Intense Dieting Started

Keto, Paleo, DASH diet… You name it, I tried it.

And every single time, I came bouncing back to the same weight I was before PLUS some extra pounds.

I remember after two weeks of Keto, I craved pizza so much I ordered a large one and ate it all in one sitting.

I was tired and angry at myself for all the failed attempts. Needless to say, my marriage didn’t improve one bit either.

And just when I admitted my defeat and realized this is what I have to live with from now on, I received an unexpected phone call.

It was my dear friend Jessica. We haven’t seen each other in ages, and she wanted to come over for dinner.

A Visit That Changed Everything

I gasped when I saw her. Jessica was glowing, and she was visibly smaller than I remembered her.

It was hard to admit to myself that I felt jealousy rush through my body.

As if reading my thoughts, Jessica started telling me that she is currently going through menopause too, and that one thing that helped her fight the symptoms was detox.

She explained that she is using a detoxifying tea blend. And before I could load her with my skepticism, she kept talking.

Apparently, my friend was struggling with bloating, and she ordered from a brand called Lulutox because the ingredient list had natural remedies exactly for that.

She said that she did not intend to lose weight. She only wanted something to relieve the bloating and make her feel better.

But she did. Jessica explained that once she got rid of the toxic buildup, she started eating more clean foods like fruits and vegetables. She didn’t want sweets anymore, and that accelerated her weight loss.

Compelled by her story, I ordered this tea for myself.

The Ultimate Game-Changer: My Lulutox Review

I started brewing a cup each morning. I liked the taste, and it seemed to hit the spot just like coffee does.

To my surprise and relief, I started noticing little changes after the first week.

First of all, I had more energy. I noticed I could do more tasks in the day, and still not be completely drained by the evening. It felt like my brain fog was lifted.

By the second week, I noticed I could zip my jeans more easily and I wasn’t bloated or constipated anymore.

And Jessica was right, somehow I didn’t feel the need to snack all the time, especially on sugary treats.

Three weeks passed, and I finally gathered the courage to step on the scale. I was 6lbs down!

I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t dieting, and the scale actually moved.

Two Months Have Passed Now And I Drink Lulutox Religiously

By now, I’m 13lbs down and feel better than I have even before menopause.

My husband and I have never been better. We are acting like teenagers again.

Oh, and of course, I convinced him to drink Lulutox too. I wanted him to experience the lightness and joy once those nasty, body and mind-trashing toxins are out.

We are joking that this is a youth elixir because we both feel at least 10 years younger.

I would recommend this to anyone who is serious not only about their weight but also their overall health.

We all have toxins that build up in our system over time, and Lulutox is a perfect tool to flush them out.

And if I remember correctly, they have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Here’s What Others Have to Say:

“The tea is amazing I already notice a difference since starting the tea. No more cravings sugar levels back in the normal range and blood pressure below 130 /80. Sleeping better at night too. My weight has gone down by 9 lbs and clothes are loose on me. So Thank you and Lulutox tea for the new me.”

Jan Bernier

“Over all nice tasting tea I've lost 4 kgs in 6 weeks I have more energy and my arthritis is less painful due to the weight loss yes I recommend this tea for over all well being.”

Joan Tearle

“I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly my bloating went away, the energy I have that last all day, seeing myself slimming and the quality of sleep I'm now getting!”

Gloria Allen


How Does Lulutox Work?

The problem with my dieting approach was that I was trying to fix my weight by depriving myself of nutrients rather than cleaning my body first.

Lulutox's natural ingredients did exactly that and more.

The blend is powerful enough to cleanse your body of toxins, boost your metabolism, and promote healthy weight management as a result of your cleansed body.

Of course, you have to understand that everyone is different and you might experience different results.

For example, my husband didn’t lose any weight, but he experienced an increase in energy and his mood improved significantly.

Whatever the outcome, I would strongly recommend you to try it and take the first step towards a healthier you.

Your body will find a way to thank you, trust me!

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee – Try Lulutox Risk-Free:

Improve your health with confidence. Lulutox offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring you have time to experience the incredible benefits. Take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!

Sell-out risk: High

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